Travel back in time with me a bit, back to the Garden of Eden. The fall of man, after the fall, God curses the serpent, and the woman and the man. He says in Genesis 3:17 God curses the ground, the earth. Not only are we cursed, but the earth is cursed as well. Then lets fast forward to an unknown time, Revelation 22 talks about the new Jerusalem. So we have two choices, look back to the garden and try to restore the order, to undo the curse, or we can look forward to the city and hope for what is to come. I think a lot of times as Christians we tend to look back to the garden, to try to fix the curse, but we can’t fix it. We are cursed, we are bad, we are evil people, we can’t do anything about it. The only thing that can help us is Jesus Christ. He helps us overcome the curse. He turns our heads to look toward the new city. So on this journey, press on towards the hope that we have to come, a new heaven and a new earth.
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