Have you ever been hunting and look down your rifle into the scope or maybe glass the countryside with your nocs and you find that they aren’t focused right? I know I have. What is even worse is when you are looking through your nocs and they start to fog up. That has happened quite often with me, especially on cool mornings after I have walked a good distance. Another thing that bugs me is that my dad has this scope, a long range target scope with a tiny dot in the middle and really fine cross hairs. The scope must be faulty, because I can’t see the reticle at all. However, everyone else can see it fine, just not me, so, *sigh*, perhaps the fault lies not within the scope.
This morning I flew into Chicago with 3 other pastors in our area. We are attending Moody Bible Institute's Pastors Conference. The theme for this year is refocus. There are a lot of times in my life that I need to refocus my eyes to see where I am heading. When God is directing me I see clearly, but when I turn away a bit it gets a little fuzzy. At that moment I don’t know which way to go and it is so hard to tell. Usually I go the wrong way and the farther I go, the more I realize that I need to refocus my life. All it takes is a turn of a knob to focus a scope or binoculars. In our spiritual lives, it takes a flip of a page. Open up God’s Word to see what He has to say to us. It also takes some bending of our knees. Bow down before the Almighty Creator of the Universe and ask Him to guide you back on track. With the flip of a page and bending of our knees, we can refocus and will be able to see clearly again. My hope is that this week I will be able to truly refocus and see what God has in store for me, my family, and my ministry.
Great job honey! I am praying that you have a great time of refocusing your eyes. And if you need a little more focus, perhaps my dad can help. He knows about some of that stuff, you know. Love you!