Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Plant A Seed, Grow A . . . Pumpkin Crown?

We just got done planting our garden, and we didn’t use any seeds. It is hard and tedious to plant seeds. Especially things like carrots and radishes, where the seeds are so tiny. So we, like many other people, used the little plants. It takes a lot of work out of it for you. No watering little tomatoes for weeks, you just plant the plant in the garden and let the sprinkler do the rest. We even planted some pumpkins this year. I remember years back when we planted a pumpkin plant and it grew and grew and grew and vined out all over the garden. It even went out of the garden (and we had a big garden, big enough to use a tractor and disc to till it up each year). I think I am going to train our pumpkin to stay a little smaller this year.
I found out something very interesting this last week about a seed. I came to know Christ as my Savior at the age of 5. I always remembered that since my brother was a Christian, I wanted what he had, so I had always thought that my mom led me to Christ and prayed with me. That is what I remembered, but not what really happened. This is the true story that I found out about this week: My brother and I were up in my room by ourselves and he is the one who led me to Christ. After that, he went and told my mom about it and she came up and prayed with both of us and thanked God for my brother leading me to Christ. In my mind, all I remember is my mom praying with me, so I always figured it was her that led me to Christ, but in fact it was my brother. Now how does all this correspond with a seed? Well my brother planted a seed in my life many, many years ago. I wanted what he had. I wanted Jesus in my life. The interesting thing about that seed that he planted all those years ago is that it has grown and grown and branched off and grown some more. Since my brother led me to Christ, I have had numerous opportunities to share the Gospel with others and lead some to Christ. The cool thing about that is, all the people I have touched and seeds I have planted, they all go back to what my brother did for me in my bedroom almost 24 years ago. It doesn’t stop there, it keeps going; the people I have shared the Gospel with have shared it with others, and those people heard the Gospel at that point in time because of what my brother did for me. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:8 that we will have rewards in Heaven, according to our labor for God here on earth. When we plant seeds or water them, we get rewards for that. When someone we planted a seed in plants a seed in someone else, we get rewards for that. It grows and grows and grows, like a pumpkin. Paul then goes on in verses 9-15 about how our works and deeds on earth will be tested by God. I encourage you to read that passage so you can be sure of what you are building your life with: gold or wood, silver or hay, or precious stones or straw? Something that lasts or something that won’t stand the test? Now, it is clear in that passage, that no matter what you build with, it is what you build it on that matters the most. If you build it on Christ, then you will spend eternity with Him in Heaven. However, the materials you use to build decide how many rewards you get. What do you want to build your house out of? Wood, hay, straw or gold, silver, or precious stones? It is how you live your life and why you do it that way that decides what you will use.

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