Tribe of Benjamin – Benjamin was one of the sons of Jacob, aka Israel. The importance of being from the tribe of Benjamin is that Benjamin and Joseph were Jacob’s favorite sons (they were born to Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife). Israel’s first king came from the tribe of Benjamin. Also, the tribe of Benjamin remained faithful to King David during the rebellion of Absalom. The reason Paul includes this in his list is that the Jewish audience would understand that Paul came from a Hebrew family, and as we found out yesterday, was circumcised as the Hebrew ritual would call for. Paul had reason to boast in who he was and where he came from.
So the question I have for you today is: Do you boast in your father’s name or in your Heavenly Father’s name? I am very proud of my name. Back in the town I grew up in, I was known by Rex’s son or Jack’s grandson. The reputation of my dad and grandpa gave me an in. People respected them, so they were going to respect me. My parents raised me, and the influences of grandparents on both sides have had a great effect on who I am today. But the one greatest thing that makes me who I am today is Christ. I strive to find my identity in Christ and Christ alone. As I stated yesterday, I am very proud of my heritage, my parents and grandparents. I hope that my son Asher will be that proud of me some day. But more importantly, I hope and I pray on a daily basis that he will find his identity in Christ.

About 3 years ago we moved away and I took a ministry position at Rock Creek Bible Church. Nobody here knew my dad or grandpa, my reputation was not built on them, they knew me and only me. In a way, it was a good way to show others who I am aside from where or who I came from. It was a blank slate. I could use my identity in Christ to show others how He has formed me into who I am. My heritage does play a big part in that because I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my heritage.
Do you identify yourself with your last name or do you take on the name of the Lord? Your earthly name will be with you all the days of your life, but who you are in Christ will be with you for eternity. Someone will write your name on your tombstone which will erode and someday be gone. But if you identify yourself in Christ, God will write your name in the Lamb’s book of life, which never erodes.
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