In the music industry, there are always people who have a distinct look. Rock music has ZZ Top and the famous beards, country music has Tim McGraw and his black hat, and Christian music has David Crowder and his thick rimmed glasses and funky hair and beard. David Crowder not only has a distinct look, but he also has a very distinct voice. You know when a new David Crowder Band song comes on the radio by the very first word sung. I have been a huge fan of the David Crowder Band since the Passion CD “The Road To One Day”, where Crowder sang “Make A Joyful Noise”.
He and his band got started at Baylor University. He and a friend started University Baptist Church, where Crowder was the worship leader. Crowder is one of the premier Christian worship song writers around today. Like a lot of other worship song writers, Crowder got a big boost from Louie Giglio and the Passion conferences. This certain song is the theme song to one of the Passion videos “Hope: When Life Hurts Most”. The lyrics to this song are simple, yet so true in certain times of our lives. The song has a progression to it, starting out with the present struggles that we go through, then moving to when we can look back at where we were. The lyrics of this song help us to remember that when we go through trials and tribulations in our lives, we need to remember that God is ever faithful and true. We know this because of what He has done for us in the past, starting with the cross. When we come to the cross we see the love that God has for us, sending His only Son to die for us so that we can have eternal life with Him. When we go through the struggles of life, look back at God’s track record. When was He ever not faithful? When did He lie to us? When did He let go? He loved us so much that He let go of His Son so He could hold on to us.
I give the David Crowder Band 4 out of 5 dundies on musical style and talent. David Crowder’s voice is so much fun to listen to. I think all the band members are wonderfully talented, but they use a bit of techno and electronic rock in their portfolio (which is a little against my style). I give them 5 out of 5 dundies on lyrical content. They are amazing at writing worship songs and they will always be high on my list for that reason.
Here are the lyrics to this song, enjoy!
When clouds veil sun
And disaster comes
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
When waters rise
And hope takes flight
Oh, my soul (3x)
Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go (6x)
When clouds brought rain
And disaster came
Oh, my soul
Oh, my soul
When waters rose
And hope had flown
Oh, my soul (3x)
Ever faithful
Ever true
You I know
You never let go
You never let go (6x)
Oh, my soul
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, my soul
Fills with hope
Perfect love that never lets go
You never let go (9x)
Oh, what love, oh, what love
Oh, what love, (2x)
In joy and pain
In sun and rain
You’re the same
Oh, You never let go (2x)
You never let go
You never let go
We love that song! We sing it in youth group all the time! Can you imagine actually ahving to WASH your facial hair???