Have you watched the NBC show “Kings” yet this year? It started on March 8th. I watched the last half hour of the 2 hour season premiere and I was intrigued, but I wanted to watch the whole episode before I would make any opinion about the show. So the next day I watched it online, and wow, I was totally intrigued. For those of you who don’t know what the show is about, it is a fictional story of what it would be like if the U.S. was ran by kings. It takes place in Gilboa, and the capitol of Gilboa is Shiloh. The characters include King Silas Benjamin, Princess Michelle Benjamin, Prince Jack Benjamin, Reverend Ephram Samuels, David Shepherd, and General Linus Abner just to name a few. Some of these names may sound somewhat familiar. All of these characters have a counterpart in the Biblical story of King David. King Silas – King Saul, Princess Michelle – Michal (Saul’s daughter), Prince Jack – Jonathan (Saul’s son), Reverend Samuels – Samuel the Priest, David Shepherd – King David (who was a shepherd), General Abner – Abner (Commander of Saul’s army). Now the similarities don’t stop there. David’s dad was killed 20 years prior, but his mom’s name is . . . Jessie. David’s dad in the Bible is Jessie. In the first episode Rev. Samuels touched David’s forehead like he was anointing him. He also told King Silas that God has rejected him as King and is seeking a man after His own heart. Then the kicker. Gilboa is at war with Gath. The army of Gath has a class of tanks that they call . . . Goliath. David in the first episode went hand to tank and won.
I have watched all the episodes so far and there continues to be a lot of parallels between the Bible and the show. I looked up Kings on Wikipedia and found that the creator of Kings, Michael Green, wanted to make a TV show that took an old story that hasn’t been tossed around too much in the entertainment industry and keep to the original “script” but totally modernize the story.
I am looking forward to seeing how the show unravels, especially how David will take the throne.
I haven't watched it yet but I've been saving all the episodes. I can't wait to sit down and see it myself!