Hello, my name is Asher, I am a cute and loveable 5 month old. My hobbies include playing with linkados, frogs, and ducks, I also like to spit up and dirty my diapers. My parents are a lot of fun to play with, I think that they are very funny. I like to laugh at them both. Sometimes they play with me on the floor and they clap for me when I do really normal things. It is kind of funny. I mean, do you get clapped for when you roll over? I do, and I guess I kind of like it. One time my mom told me to do something and I didn't really want to do it, so I just stuck my tongue out at her. You know what she did? She said, "Oh, how cute, good boy Asher!" So I guess this means that I will get praised for doing mischevious things. Hey, I am not going to complain. Well, by now you should know a little bit about me, I hope to be able to sneak on daddy's computer soon and write some more. I am signing out, remember try to keep your diaper clean!
Your Grandma thinks you're pretty cute and funny, too. Keep up the good work of entertaining your mom and dad with dirty diapers and spit-up.